A Trip in Minnesota: Adult Night at the Minnesota Zoo
Adult Night at the Minnesota Zoo
January 18, 2017
By Austin Smith in Photography, Travel
photography by Austin Smith
With reasonably priced adult beverages and the absence of children, Adult Night at the Minnesota Zoo is a must-go destination for adult fans of the zoo.
The experience of the Minnesota Zoo during adult night over a regular business day is one I'd choose in a heartbeat. A regular business day at the zoo can include dozens of school field trips and a plethora of strollers. Those are two things you won't find during Adult Night at the Minnesota Zoo. As one can probably guess, during adult night, no one under the age of 18 is permitted to enter the zoo.
Identification is checked at the zoo's entrance. People 21 and over do receive a colored wristband that signal to the keepers of alcohol that they're legit to purchase drinks.
After that process, the zoo is open for a night of debauchery. At least until 7:30 pm when the zoo closes.
Another thing that's awesome about being able to see the animals kid-free, is being able to see them eat! Usually feeding is done after hours, out of sight of children, but us adults can take it.