Fire Photography: Matchstick
Fire Photography: Matchstick
June 23, 2017
By Austin Smith in Photography
photography by Austin Smith
"Photographing matches in the moments of being lit is easy."
Ha-ha. Don't let anyone tell you that. Here are 10 easy photography steps to increase your chances of success:
Choose a room that is without windows and is completely dark without a light on
2. Create fixed match holder to hold the subject match in frame
3. Set your camera at different high shutter speeds of over 1/800 to capture different results
4. Enable continuous photos on camera to take more than one picture when holding down the shutter button
5. Mount the camera to a tripod and focus the camera onto the match with the lights on
6. Turn off the lights to create a photo with a black background and use a dim light to help find the match in the dark
7. Hold down the shutter button a second or two before the match is struck and continue to hold it until the match has completed its initial combustion
8. Use a small, cut-down piece of rough strike-on material from a larger match box to ignite the subject match and exit frame quickly
9. Start a bunch of, "I'm ready to repeat this consistently for dozens of times", thoughts going
10. Repeat this process and make adjustments to what you’re able to do in your photography space in order to create a result that you are more than satisfied with
See? Photographing matches being lit is easy.
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